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Play is a language, the one through which children express themselves, relate to their peers, assimilate new knowledge or acquire new skills.


Playing is more than having fun. Play has an important role in the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of a child.  


The importance of play in cognitive development : Play allows more structured learning. Through play, children develop and strengthen their language. Many games provide experience in problem solving through activities that allow children to improve their thinking skills. The game encourages and reinforces the child's curiosity about his world.  


The importance of play in social skills : Play improves the social and emotional development of  the child. Reading gives the child the chance to interact with his environment. Playing also promotes interactions with other children. By communicating with others, the child begins to understand the importance of communicating through language. He learns to express his ideas and to listen to the ideas expressed by others. The game leads to situations that promote cooperation. The child discovers the advantages of working together and sharing the material. Through play, the child learns to resolve conflicts and negotiate with others. When a child develops his social skills and has good emotional health, he is better equipped to adapt to school.


The importance of play in motor development : Physical activity contributes to the muscular and motor development of the child.  


The influence of play on children's development :  It is essential for parents to understand that play is much more than a recreational pastime for the child. Play is very important for a child's development and learning. It is through play that children acquire and refine most of their skills.


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